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Updated: Aug 5, 2022

Corona epidermis break all the activities all over the world that never happen before because the only medicine to stop this epidermis is social distancing and lock down. This lock down meaning differ person to person, some people feel that it’s time to improve the quality while others fell loneliness going in depression and mental stress. it’s totally depend on you who will you take this lock down. People are living inside the home and nature heal itself, it was ill because of our disastrous activities. This is the reality lock down effect the economy but earlier thousands and millions dollar were spend to decrease the pollution but now, it automatically decreases. As Earth ozone layer continuous to repair itself '' this study to growing evidence showing the Montreal protocol. Not only has the treaty sparred healing of ozone layer, it's also driving recent changes in southern hemisphere air circulation pattern, '' said lead author Antra Banner a CIRSE visiting fellow at the university of Colorado boulder who works in the chemical science division of national oceanic and atmosphere administration (NOAA).The amount of carbon-di-oxide, Sulphur-di-oxide, other harmful gases, river pollution decreasing. Now Himalaya can be seen from 200 KM away that never seen before. Animals coming out from the forest and moving on roads freely in lock down silent. Again birds come on the tree in morning and chirping. After a long time, stars again twinkle in open and clear sky. Now you can imagine the 3D WORLD clear and colorful while earlier only pollution saw over the head. Earlier people say that busy life increase the gap between parents and children. Heavy work load in fast life create depression,tension mostly in metro cities but now everything look stop, it’s time to heal human machine and nature as well. Lock down highly affected the daily wager labor who live in big cities on rent but government trying to provide all the basic requirement for all those people. To stop the corona pandemic, we need to maintain social distance, follow lock down and help poor families so that no one remains Hungary.

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